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Below are some great examples of wardrobe styles and color choices.
Don't pay attention to the age or ethnicity of the people in the pictures. Just look at what they are wearing, and how the colors and styles work in the shots.
Included is a color chart that you can use as a guide when choosing your wardrobe.
There is also a list of colors to avoid.
Necklines and color are very important as well as the texture of the fabric. If you're going to wear a solid color it's best if it has some texture to it. Prints are okay as long as they aren't too busy. Layering is also a great way to create interest without being distracting.
For adult actors, the "No" colors are generally colors that don't "pop" on camera.
Black and white are okay as long as they are appropriate for the look you are going for such as executive looks, suit and tie, edgy looks such as cops or bad guys. You get the idea.
I want to preface this by saying that the eyes are THE most important thing in your headshot. We must clearly see your face and most of all, your eyes!
Glasses: If you wear glasses it is best to shoot without them for the most part. If you want to do some headshots with your glasses it is recommended to purchase some frames that look very similar to your real glasses and pop the lenses out. Keep them handy for auditions and photoshoots.
Hats, jewelry and other accessories: These items are generally frowned upon. Personally, I think they are acceptable as long as they are appropriate for the look you are going for. An example of that might be a Rapper with a gold chain, or a hipster with a beanie, a cop with a holster or badge or a waspy blue blood with a string of pearls around her neck. Those are really specific looks though.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see examples of specific looks.

These are just some examples of how specific you can get.
Obviously, you can expand on these and use one look to submit on multiple roles.
The "jock" for instance, can also be a "bully".
The "musician" could also be used to cast a "street kid" or "beach bum" or "stoner".
Or the "bad ass" or "rapper" could also be a "thug" or a "gang-banger".
The "boxer "on the other hand is very specific and you would only add a look like that if you were in fact, an expert boxer.
The "Cougar" shot below could double for a wealthy "blue blood" or a "rich snob".
The "attorney/principal" shot could be used as an "female executive", an "FBI agent" or detective.

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